- Business Japanese and Preparation for BJT (Business Japanese Proficiency Test)
- Understanding Honorific Expressions for Elementary Learners
Business Japanese and Preparation for BJT (Business Japanese Proficiency Test)
Before starting Business Japanese and Preparation for BJT it is recommended that you first study Basic Japanese. Nevertheless, you can also start to practice from the second half of the elementary level (JLPT N4/N3 or JF Standard A2).
Contemporary Business JapaneseThis book is written for those who are working or wish to work in Japanese companies in Japan or other countries. We aim to learn phrases and expressions needed to ensure smooth communication, to learn about Japanese business customs and tips for working in a Japanese society. The text has English explanations and translations.
It consists of 45 chapters which are divided into 12 expression groups, e.g. “Asking a question”, or “Asking for permission.” You can start at any point according to your needs.
Japanese for Professionals
A level of JLPT N3/N2 or JF Standard A2+/B1 is required to study with this textbook.
『BJTビジネス日本語能力テスト 公式 模擬テスト&ガイド』
BJT Business Japanese Proficiency Test; Official Practice Test & Guide
Understanding Honorific Expressions for Elementary Learners
Japanese people choose either the formal form or the casual form of speaking, depending on their relationship with the listener. You usually study the formal form first in most textbooks, which means adding conjugative forms of “desu” or “masu” at the end of the sentence, because there is little risk of giving a bad impression to the Japanese.
Even if you understand formal Japanese well, you might have a little trouble when travelling across Japan, because Japanese restaurant staff and salespersons always talk to their customers in “honorific Japanese.” Ordinary people also sometimes use honorific expressions in a first meeting.
So, it might be a good idea to learn some honorific expressions before going to Japan. You can learn them step by step as a short part of your 60-minute lesson.
『マンガでわかる実用敬語 初級編』
Using Manga to Understand Practical Japanese Honorific Expressions: Beginner’s LevelThe purpose of this book is to enable you to correctly understand the meaning of honorific expressions or key phrases by listening to the audio, and to use some of them. The use and function of each key expression or phrase is explained by “4-koma (pronounced yonkoma) Manga,” which is formatted as a series of four vertically-stacked panels. There are explanations and translations in English, Chinese and Korean.
You can find most of the Japanese textbooks which I mentioned, online at shops like Amazon.