Conversational Japanese Language Course

Conversational Japanese Language Course (once per week)

You can see the introduction videos here.

Course Overview

The objective of this course is to gain practical communication skills in everyday situations, such as giving a simple self-introduction, talking about your daily routine or hobbies, talking with a friend about the time and place you will meet, apologising for being late and giving a reason etc. If you would like to learn both the Japanese language and culture and be able to have essential skills for daily conversations with little time and effort, this course is just right for you.

In this course, you can continue learning for 10 modules from the complete beginner’s level to the A2 level. You can also start it from the middle of the course.

You can stop your study or take a break at the end of a module, and start it again when a class which suits your level is running.

There are 6 periods of 6 weeks, or 6 terms in a year. The module for complete beginners will normally be offered once a year. If you start your study with module 1 in e.g. January, you will have completed all 10 modules of the course in August of the following year, in 1 year and 8 months, at the earliest.

The Conversational Japanese Language Course consists of 10 modules.
Level Starter A1 Elementary 1 A2 Elementary 2 A2
Module 1
6 weeks
2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Modules 4, 5 and 6 can be taken in any order, because the course book is organised by topic, not by grammar and vocabulary.

Modules 7 to 10 can be taken in any order, because the course book is organised by topic, not by grammar and vocabulary.

In class lessons at Amieke Online, we use “Zoom,” which is a cloud based online meeting system. Amieke Online is a business partner of Zoom and provides you with high quality online Japanese lessons. For more details on Zoom, please see “What is Zoom?

This course is given by Miki, a professional Japanese language teacher with over 20 years of experience in Japan and abroad.

Lesson Fee

  • The fee is charged on a module by module basis, payment for modules beyond the current one is not accepted.
  • The fee for one module starts from 132 euros (6 weeks, 6 lessons of 90 minutes each.)
    Please see the Prices Page for more details.
  • Course books are not included in the module fee.
  • Payment is accepted through bank transfer (in euros) or PayPal*
  • Your position in a module is only confirmed once full payment has been received by the invoice due date.
  • Lesson fee will not be refunded if you are absent from the class.
  • Lessons at Amieke Online are exempt from VAT.

PayPal is an online payment service which is available in more than 200 countries or regions. In most countries you can pay by bank transfer or your credit card in the local currency through PayPal. Please refer to the Paypal website of your own country for further details.

Course Books

The first, second and third modules use the course book “Marugoto: Japanese Language and Culture, Starter A1, Katsudoo (Course book for communicative language activities)”. Each module will cover one third of the book, and by completing three modules you will finish the first book (Starter A1).

The fourth, fifth and sixth modules use the course book “Marugoto: Japanese Language and Culture, Elementary 1 (A2), Katsudoo” and the seventh, eighth and ninth modules use the course book “Marugoto: Japanese Language and Culture, Elementary 2 (A2), Katsudoo”. We aim to develop practical communicative ability through listening to a variety of Japanese and focus on speaking practice.

You can see the tables of contents and sample pages of the course books below by clicking on the links to the official website of the Japan Foundation. For more details on the course books, please refer to the official website of Marugoto.

Level Katsudoo (activities)
Starter (A1)
Table of Contents
Look inside
Elementary 1 (A2)
Table of Contents
Look inside
Elementary 2 (A2)
Table of Contents
Look inside

The publisher of Marugoto provides a list where you can find your nearest bookstore or distributor of Marugoto. It is also published overseas and made available through electronic library. The online bookstore Verasia is recommended for European residents. Digital editions of all the titles in the series are also available at Amazon and Google Play. For further details and information, please refer to the official website of Marugoto.

Some Other Things

  • Class size is a minimum of 4 to a maximum of 6 students.
  • If there are only three applicants, the course can be provided with an additional charge of 21 euros per person (3.5 euros per lesson) at the request of the applicants.
  • We will stop accepting applications once all the seats are taken.
  • A certificate is issued to applicants at the end of module.
  • National holidays in each country are not considered because lessons are provided online. It might be possible to change the schedule considering holidays only if the class consists of students who live in the same country.

Support Website for the Course Book “Marugoto: Japanese Language and Culture”

There is a support website, MARUGOTO Plus, which follows along with the course books. It contains videos, pictures, skits and practice exercises. Please refer to the official website for more details.